Bluetube Bar, by Dose


Bluetube Bar, by Dose

Lo-tech solution to tight space and budget employs unexpected material...

Playful Portugese design collective, Dose, came up with a cunning plan to deal with the problem of restricted budget and space for a temporary bar at Porto’s annual academic festival. Debuting their ‘TUBE-IT system’, the team – António Martins, Carlos Foyedo and Luís Grilo – have gone delightfully lo-tech, strapping corrugated plastic tube to the pop-up bar’s tight 3m² frame with heavy-duty cable ties. You might think it’d look like the underneath of a particularly obsessive IT manager’s desk, or the site of a fibre optics dig, but step away from the construction and the materials take on a different appearance; it becomes almost organic and otherworldly looking. It’s like a hairy TARDIS for the 21st century. By night it adopts another guise again, and you begin to realise that Dose’s TUBE-IT system has real substance; cheap, quick, easily accessible and visually captivating… this clever Portugese trio may find themselves responsible for a significant global hike in the price of corrugated tubing.

Bluetube Bar, by Dose Bluetube Bar, by Dose Bluetube Bar, by Dose Bluetube Bar, by Dose Bluetube Bar, by Dose Bluetube Bar, by Dose

Photography: DOSE + Carlos Trancoso